The Problem with a mobile workforce...
The main problem that exists for mobile small businesses is that there is no easy-to-use tool to handle scheduling. Normally, we think of scheduling as one job occurring after another with few factors intervening. In the real world, problems occur regularly and changes must be made as they happen. Without a proper system to handle the day-to-day issues, companies tend to spend a lot of time and money attempting to piece together a solution. Business owners should be spending more time on building their business and not scheduling.
How we see it...
At Juggle, we believe that our current scheduling practices create a needless bottleneck with the team organizer given the availability of modern technology. Working too fast or too slow should be something that businesses and their worker can adjust their schedules to in the face of the task at hand. To do this, we looked to the gaming industry to inspire us for our application to build a simple, ubiquitous interface for the team.
The Solution
Juggle handles the necessary aspects to organize a team of employees for mobile businesses. Aspects include job location, expected job length, skills required to complete the job, and travel time between jobs. Additionally, job stacking supports organizing multiple jobs in one location as a single event – making it possible to handle multiple clients simultaneously. Communication is simple as well. When changes are made to the system, the relevant employees are alerted and job information is included so the work doesn’t fall through the cracks.
For cohesive teams, workers can even schedule themselves, giving business owners opportunities to spotlighting top performing workers. Events are not scheduled one job after the other but dynamically using windows of time instead of fixed appointment times. The Juggle design increases productivity and minimizes time wasted in the iterative scheduling process.
Our Goal...
With this arrangement, we believe that we have simplified scheduling for many types of industries to something that can be done both in-the-field as well as in-office (if there is one) and scheduling clients no longer exclusively requires a scheduling expert for the team. Now businesses can be nimble with the needs of their clients.